village timeline
This timeline shows some of the major events and activities in the village over the last 5,000 years. Click here for an intereactive version
5-4000 BC
Stone Age man lived in or near Great Bradley. A stone age pick has been found in Bradley Park Wood. 1000 BC Bronze Age man lived in or near Great Bradley. Two Bronze Ages sites exist in Great Bradley. One is single ring ditch was identified from crop marks in 1980, near the site of the old mill. The other is near Bradley Park Wood. Scatters of flint (suggesting occupation) have been found in three places: Near the Mill mound, at Long Acre Green and in a field north of Hall Lane. 50 BC - 400 AD The Romans lived in or near Great Bradley. The most significant find was a coin from the Constantine era (303-337). It was found near Hart Wood and was depicted on the bottom left frame of the previous village sign, replaced in 2010. Some Romano-British pottery (4th C) was found near the site of the former windmill on Bradley Hill. 500 - 1000 The Anglo Saxons lived in and around Great Bradley. It is not possible to say when they first settled