Village Archive
We have an extensive collection of over 16,000 pictorial and documentary information from around the village, covering the past 5,000 years!
great bradley village archive index
The index lists the items arranged by the folder they are in, ie:
- Events (e.g Church Fete, Village Hall events etc) - Groups (e.g Parish Council, Sports Clubs, Village Hall users) - People (e.g Census information, Individuals & Families) - Places (e.g Areas of the village, Church, houses, maps) - Records (e.g Village Newsletter, historical lists, rainfall records) |
Download the index of over 16,000 items in the archive here
- It works best in the Explorer browser or with pop up blocker off in Firefox. Depending on your security settings you may have to accept a security certificate and refresh the page. If you have any problems, then get in touch here
- The first folder has a searchable pdf file which lists all the items in the archive to help locate the information required.
We also have some of the photos arranged as collections
- Then & Now - Photos from by-gone days arranged next to the location as it is now
- Old Photos of the Church - A selection from the last 100 years